Monday, August 17, 2009

Picking up my Cross Today

Luke 9:23 If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
With my to do list in hand I notice they are all things I need to get done.
* laundry
* clean up the kitchen
* put laundry away
But what would God have on my to do list today. If I focused on this verse today and picked up my cross how might my day look different?
As I look at the list and know that all of these and more need to be done today, how would I find the time to do anything else. Not that I cant do laundry for the kingdom but I think you know what I mean. When I looked at the notes in my Bible it compared picking up our cross to putting away selfish desires.
Lord, As I sit here with hours of house work to do
I think how can I have or make time for anything else.
I pray that you would open my eyes and
heart to you plans for my day. I give you my day and ask you to
help me use my time effectively and for your glory.
I love you Lord and love that you give
me a chance daily to pick up my cross.
Help me today carry my cross and
put down my own selfish desires.
In His name

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