Friday, February 19, 2010

Nap Time Can't Come Soon Enough - Previous Post

Today Nap time can't come soon enough. As I am preparing lunch I am listening to
NaNa Na boo boo, your a boy, don't look at me, It's mine, stop. This is all in one minute and this picking has gone on all morning. Most of the time my girls play great but today is a day where they can look at each other and be on each others nerves. I am trying to stay positive and not lose my cool and yet I want to scream. I know that me going to their level never turns out well. I am sure we all have different methods to redirecting our kids and for this one I used the timer and we played the quiet game. It seemed to work for a few minutes anyway.
My point is not about my misbehaving kids it's about my quiet time last night. I was able to come in my room and close the door and have quiet time doing my Bible study. It was raining and listening to the rain while doing the Bible study was so calming. On my to do list for the night was quiet time, look at bills and a load of laundry. The only thing on my list that was accomplished was the quiet time. I found that even though I was only able to get one out of three things done God really blessed my time. This morning I was able to do a little catch up and I feel the Lord really blessed my work this morning. Yes the girls were a little bit of a handful but in that I was also very productive. I think he multiplied my time.
Yes now the girls are napping and I should be working on my list but I had to quick write this down. In hopes that a Mom just like me is trying to be a patient Mom and she might need a little encouragement today. To take time that was supposed to be for laundry or looking at bills and just spend time with God. When I spend that time with him he fills me up so I(we) can tackle the day ahead. I put we because he helps me everyday.
One of the verses in my Bible study last night was a very familiar verse and yet it made me think about how I go about the day to day tasks.
1 Corinthians 13: 4-8
Love is patient Love is kind....
Sometimes as I go about the day to day tasks I am not leading in love. As I made lunch and was very irritated with the constant picking I tried to lead in love.
I find God continually equips me for what I need for later that day or the next day and this verse was very helpful. Also with my tank full I was more patient and more understanding - they are only 5 and 3 not 25 and 23.
2Tim 4:17
so that the man of God me be thoroughly equipped for every good word.
I Love that God gives us just want we need.


  1. Great words of encouragment Jaime! It's always so good for us Moms to hear that we're not alone on this road of motherhood!

  2. Just read this today (5/31) and it was right what I needed to hear. Thanks for taking the time to post it, hope you got your list done (is a list ever done? :)) Nice to see you today!
